In accordance with Norwegian requirements, we report our catch data electronically by satellite on a daily basis both to Norwegian authorities and CCAMLR. We always know in real-time how much, where and when the krill has been caught.
Our location can be tracked and we make sure we are positioned where we are supposed to be, at all times. All our products can be traced back to the GPS coordinates and the exact time of catching the krill. We are proud to say that we control the entire value chain from krill collecting to product and we can guarantee 100 % traceability.
Ultra-high levels of natural astaxanthin represent a good quality krill extract.
The hydrophobic pyrrole is easily measured (by spectroscopic method) to oxidize the product, which indicates the degree of non-enzymatic browning reaction, ie, the oxidized state.
Complete phospholipid forms of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and low levels of degraded phospholipids.
High relative levels (eg, lysophosphatidylcholine) are good quality indicators.
*Applicable EFSA approved health claims.
**Berge, Rolf K., et al. "Krill oil reduces plasma triacylglycerol levels, improves healthy lipoprotein particle concentrations, fatty acid composition and redox status in healthy young people - a preliminary study." Lipids in Health and Disease 14.1 (2015): 1.
*Konagai, Chizuru, et al (2013) Effects of krill oil containing phospholipids of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on human brain function:Randomized controlled trial of healthy elderly volunteers. Ageing Clinical Intervention 8 (2013): 1247-1257.
*(c) EU-authorized health statement: Choline contributes to normal homocysteine metabolism (82.5 mg per dose)
*(d) US-authorized nutrients claim: good source of choline - 55 mg of choline per serving, which is 10% of the daily value of choline (550 mg)
*(4) Jensen HH, Batres-Maruez SP, Carriquiry A, Schallnake KI. (2007). Choline in the US population diet: NHANES 2003-2004. FASEB J. 21, lb219. 2007.
*(5) Vennemann, FB, et al. (2015). Dietary intake of European populations and food sources of choline. British Journal of Nutrition: 1-10.
USA:MedicLink USA Inc.
13021 Arctic Circle, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670, USA